
导读: 关于棒球的英文短语精选: 关于棒球的英文短语大全:


  1. 棒球得分 run; score;   2. 棒球防守 fielding;   3. 棒球封杀 force out;   4. 棒球滑垒 sliding;   5. 棒球攻队 offensive team;   6. 棒球垒垫 bag;   7. 棒球内场 infield; diamond;   8. 棒球内场手 infielder;   9. 棒球跑垒 base running;   10. 棒球跑垒员 base-runner;  


  1. 棒球棒 bat;   2. 棒球本垒 home base;   3. 棒球本垒板 home plate;   4. 棒球本垒打 home run; homer;   5. 棒球边线 foul line;   6. 棒球不合法击球 illegally batted ball;   7. 棒球不合法投球 illegal pitch;   8. 棒球侧身投球法 set up position;   9. 棒球场 baseball field;   10. 棒球出局 out; down; away;   11. 棒球传球 throwing;   12. 棒球触击 swing;   13. 棒球触杀 touch out;   14. 棒球三击不中出局 strikeout;   15. 棒球三杀 triple play; triple kill;   16. 棒球守场员 fielder;   17. 棒球守队 defensive team;   18. 棒球守垒员 baseman;   19. 棒球手套 mitt; mit;   20. 棒球双杀 double play; double kill;   21. 棒球四球安全上垒 base on balls;   22. 棒球投手 pitcher;   23. 棒球投手投球 pitching;   24. 棒球偷垒 stealing;   25. 棒球外场 outfield;   26. 棒球外场手 outfielder;   27. 棒球先攻队 visiting team;   28. 棒球游击手 shortstop;   29. 棒球右外野手 right fielder;   30. 棒球运动 baseball;   31. 棒球正面投球法 wind-up position;   32. 棒球中坚手 centre fielder;   33. 棒球左外野手 left fielder   34. 棒球后攻队 home team;   35. 棒球挥击 bunting;   36. 棒球击球 batting; hitting;   37. 棒球击球员 batter; hitter;   38. 棒球击球区 batter's box;   39. 棒球击球准备区 on deck circle;   40. 棒球夹杀 run down;   41. 棒球接球 catching;   42. 棒球接杀 put-out;   43. 棒球接手 catcher;   44. 棒球接手区 catcher's box;   45. 棒球界内球 fair ball;   46. 棒球界外球 foul ball;  




Volleyball, ball games project, one of the movement originated in the United States. On February 9, 1895, the Massachusetts Holly oak ymca director William Morgan invented. At first, people sat on either side of the net on the tennis court, basketball is held in the palm to go, to participate in any number, shot number. The first competition is 1.98 meters high. This is the prototype of the volleyball.


When I first saw the students play volleyball, I think volleyball is very fun, so I became interested in volleyball, now, I took part in the school volleyball team, study hard volleyball, now I play volleyball playing very well.


I learned many things from the volleyball, I know it is very inportant for a team unity , after is to have good skills. I like volleyball.



Chinese women’s volleyball team once achieved great honor in the last century, their spirit of never giving up inspired so many people. But during the last decade, as the old volleyball players retired and the new ones were not stronger enough, the team met difficulty. While winning an important match announced their return.


Last night, Chinese women’s volleyball team had an very impotant match against Brazil team in the Rio olympic games. The hope to win was very very little, because Brazil team was such strong, they were the champion of last two olympic games and Chinese team only won one match for the last 18 records. What’s more, almost all the audiences supported Brazil team.

昨晚, 在里约热内卢奥运会,中国女排有一场很重要的比赛,对阵巴西女排。赢的几率非常小,因为巴西女排很强,她们两届奥运会的冠军,中国队只赢了一场比赛在过去的18场记录中。更重要的是,几乎所有的观众都支持巴西队。

It seemed to win the match was not possible for the Chinese team, but the girls were very strong and insistented to fight for the last mimute. Even they lost the first game, they never gave up. Especially for the last two point, they were so brave and finally won the match.


This is the spirit of women’s volleyball team, we saw these girls fight for the last minute, they are the best team.



Women's volleyball team spirit is what

Women's volleyball team spirit is the heritage of the Chinese women's volleyball team, was the Chinese women's volleyball team won in the 1980 s after the experience.

Since November 16, 1981, Chinese women's volleyball team at the World Cup 3-2 in the last game of the world power in Japan, on the top of the world championship for the first time, after successive podium, won a proud record. Arguably, it is almost in a volleyball competition and achievement, truly appeared in front of people. But as with all sports teams experienced, Chinese women's volleyball team had hit bottom, have experienced a period of thirty years, record on and off frequently but spirit never sink. From Los Angeles, "iron hammer" to "" lang ping mother led Rio, not abandoning, don't give up, this is what we are familiar with the Chinese women's volleyball team spirit.

Women's volleyball team spirit have been athletes as a measure of hard struggle and motto, inspire their morale and enthusiasm. Crucially, it need because of the conjunction era, not only in the field of sports brand will, more is strongly sublimation as synonymous with national features, evolved to refer to a symbol of social culture. It has been linked to women's volleyball team of the gain and loss, the ups and downs together tightly, and become the evaluation criteria of the Chinese women's volleyball team is the most difficult to give up. Women's volleyball team spirit is highly regarded, the most important is the kind of not afraid of the strong enough to a fair death honors the whole life, the spirit of striving, far more than the "run" itself can inspire people.

At the end of the day, "women's volleyball team spirit" is not a two victories, not one or two champions will prove, it is not the final result, but a process. As lang said at a news conference after the game, "women's volleyball team spirit have been passing on, is not to say that won the game only women's volleyball team spirit, if we lost this game, I think the players are still very hard." This women's volleyball team spirit, is just what we like the Chinese women's volleyball team and the cause of the women's volleyball team is full of positive energy.










3.排球英语作文 关于排球的英语作文









34 years ago, lang ping and three big ball of the Chinese women's volleyball team's first world champion; 34 years later, she became the only led the world championship active female coach. Even more legendary, more than two years ago is still fraught with Chinese women's volleyball team, now become no one can underestimate the world champion.

In April 2013, lang ping reimbursing took over a period of women's volleyball, she knows this is a not to please, but she was desperate determination, she wants to have inspired the people more than 30 years of women's volleyball team spirit go down.

After lost to host world championships in Italy in 2014, lang ping in the bathroom secretly tears, she choose to bear all the pressure, and leave space for young players. After the event, LangPingShui tears can regulate mood, but she also waiting for the happy tears.

In 2015, after 11 years, the Chinese women's volleyball team again on the highest podium, wanton pours the girls happy tears. Always don't want to cry on camera lang ping also tears of joy, two years for the twists and turns and difficult, after all, only she knows best.

Lang ping's magical often lies in her courage, to build a team to impact the world champion, she has carried on the big changes to the team, just two years, lang ping to an average age of less than 24 teams into a world champion team. Twila in her hand from the green player quickly grow into a world class player, player and won the World Cup. Yuan Xinyue etc. Some of the young faces also gradually mature. Of course won the World Cup is not LangPingYi personal credit. However, if there is no lang ping, in the London Olympic Games cycle through bumpy, chastened Chinese women's volleyball team won't be so quick to return to the top.

The new historical background, the women's volleyball team spirit by lang ping led the team gives a new meaning. Face injuries, Nemesis, women's volleyball girls are, with the strong attitude before the wreck a captain, suffered a defeat in the second game, even under such adversity, women's volleyball team also adhere to in the end all the way. Victory, voice already hoarse "lang said" I think god is too torture us once, but in the end we see god's efforts, gave me a world champion!"

Although the World Cup is over, but the Chinese women's volleyball team way didn't stop, for Rio Olympics next year, lang ping said calmly: "Rio next year, starting from scratch."



Volleyball is an Olympic sport in which two teams separated by a high net use their hands, arms, or (rarely) other parts of their bodies to hit a ball back and forth over the net. Each team is allowed three hits to get the ball over the net to the other team. A point is scored if the ball hits the ground in the opponents' court, if the opponents commit a fault, or if they fail to return the ball properly


The sport originated in the United States, and is now just achieving the type of popularity in the U.S. that it has received on a global basis, where it ranks behind only soccer among participation sports.

Today there are more than 46 million Americans who play volleyball. There are 800 million players worldwide who play Volleyball at least once a week.

In 1895, William G. Morgan, an instructor at the Young Men's Christian Association

(YMCA) in Holyoke, Mass., decided to blend elements of basketball, baseball, tennis, and handball to create a game for his classes of businessmen which would demand less physical contact than basketball. He created the game of Volleyball (at that time called mintonette). Morgan borrowed the net from tennis, and raised it 6 feet 6 inches above the floor, just above the average man's head.

During a demonstration game, someone remarked to Morgan that the players seemed to be volleying the ball back and forth over the net, and perhaps "volleyball" would be a more descriptive name for the sport.

On July 7, 1896 at Springfield College the first game of "volleyball" was played. In 1900, a special ball was designed for the sport.


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